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TEACHERS...Nervous About Your Next Administrative Observation/Evaluation???

evaluation great lesson lesson observation teacher evaluation teacher lessons teacher observation

TEACHERS...Nervous About Your Next Administrative Observation/Evaluation???

Let Me Help!

Let me share some of my lessons that I used for these nerve racking observations/Evaluations. 

All teachers get nervous before their administrative observation/evaluation...even veteran teachers.  We want to do our best and impress our administration, but have concerns about how to do that.  The following lessons I used for my observations/evaluations.  I received high scores for each of these lessons.  Check them out to see which one or ones fit your teaching style...HAPPY TEACHING!!!

1.  Following Written Directions Even an Alien (YOU) Could Understand...The day before this lesson students write out their directions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They are reminded to be very specific because an alien (ME) may not completely understand everything.  This lesson was fun for me, my students, and my administrator.


2.  Here is another Following Directions - Making a paper airplane from a magazine article.  This was when Non-fiction reading was big.  Day 1 we read the magazine article and made our paper airplanes.  This was the day of my observation/evaluation.  The following day we went outside to see how well our airplanes flew.  My administrator came back to see this also.


3.  Here is another non-fiction magazine article lesson. 

Draw A Tree Personality Test - Analyzing and Critical Thinking Activity

During this activity, students will analyze their tree and the information provided in the magazine article. They will determine if their tree represents their personality and explain why or why not.


4.  Another analyzing and critical thinking activity -

Draw A Pig Personality Test - Analyzing Activity



Author's Purpose Background Knowledge Lesson THE HOUSE Fun Synthesizing Activity

Students will synthesize the information in the story The House by relating knowledge from several perspectives using their background knowledge and the author's purpose for writing The House. EX. - What they think is important, What a home buyer might think is important, and What a thief might think is important to know about the house.


Have you ever skipped school? How did you feel? Were you afraid of being caught? What would you have done, if you were caught? Did you enjoy it as much as you thought you would? What did you do all day?

 I used this lesson at the beginning of school to gain my students' trust that I do know what I am doing and because this lesson is so interactive and engaging.


6.  Figurative Language Colorform Activity - Fun for Students and Easy for Teachers to Grade...

Figurative Language Colorforms Hands-On Group Activity Using Crayons Fun

What a fun learning activity this is...It is one of my favorite group (4) activities to complete after teaching Figurative Language. I did groups, so I wouldn't need more than 6 baggies of the 6 colors (blue, red, green, purple, orange, and yellow) of crayons or colored pencils. This activity can also be an individual activity, buddy activity or made into a learning center.

Included is a Figurative Language Definition sheet, which I put on the projection screen. I also printed a few for those that needed it right beside them. The definitions help to reinforce what was taught.

I gave the students a little hint on how to get the activity perfect, which you will find in the download...then let them go at it.

The color-coded answer key makes it really easy for you to grade.



PowerPoint Teacher Resource Lesson for MAKING INFERENCES Lesson Videos Printable Activities Happy Teaching

This PowerPoint consists of 8 Slides.  3 Video links, Games, Group Work, Independent Practice, Quizzes, and some practice/printable activities for reinforcement are found here too.



Coca Cola CAUSE AND EFFECT Activity Using a Video Coke Ad and Technology FUN

I have put everything you need into a ZIP file to make it easier for you.

I used this lesson for one of my administrative evaluations. This was also the FIRST time in our school that my students were allowed to use their electronic devices...cell phones, iPads, tablets, etc. I had to get special permission due to our school rule of no personal electronic devices allowed during the school day. This made the activity even more special.

I allowed the students to work with a buddy, a group of 2-4, or individually. The objective was to get the most CAUSE and EFFECT relationships from the video as possible. There was a small prize for each class to the one with the most CAUSE and EFFECT relationships.

This was an amazing reinforcement activity for CAUSE and EFFECT. It did seem chaotic due to so much activity going on. It was a successful lesson for my evaluation and a fun and successful activity for my students.


9.  Reviewing Adjectives BEFORE Parent/Teacher Conferences...

Adjective Practice BEFORE Parent-Teacher Conferences PowerPoint Lesson Fun and Engaging Teacher Resource.  It is very personalized for each of your students...So much fun...This activity will also help you during your parent-teacher conferences...Win, Win!

I had forgotten about this unique and fun adjective review lesson.  It is a perfect lesson to have before your first parent-teacher conference.  I have also added on the last slide several links to online practice games and activities that you, the teacher, can assign or play with the students as a whole group.

My students were very receptive to this activity and I did require them to write in a complete sentence and to underline the adjective.  


PS:  I send this particular lesson free to those that make a first time purchase from my teacher downloadable resources.

I hope you have enjoyed and found something useful here.  Please share this blog with all your teacher friends.  It would be so helpful and I would be so grateful.  HAPPY TEACHING!!!  Judy

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