Where Are My Wine Buddies?
Do YOU have a stash of empty wine bottles lying around?
If so, YOU are going to LOVE this Blog full of ideas on what to do with them…
Paint them YOUR favorite color and decorate them. Use them to hold candles or just as they are…
LOVE these…Yarn covered bottles (or paint) then decorated with the letters for LOVE…
More ways to decorate YOUR bottles…
Suzanne At SprinkledNest.Com Shows YOU how easy these bottles are to make…
Do you paint? If so, then paint a garden of flowers on them…
This looks like an easy one. If YOU can’t paint the flowers, then glue on artificial ones…add a bow and YOU are done…

Looks like they used glass paint to draw on this design…
Just squeeze and go…
Paint the bottle YOUR favorite color and where YOU see black - paint that with chalkboard paint and YOU can change the lettering (HOME, AMEN, HOPE, LIVE, PRAY, etc.) every so often…
These are spray painted with chalkboard paint.
What a wonderful idea for a party or wedding reception as table markers…
What about a bottle tree???
Paint YOUR bottles white and then use a Sharpie to decorate them…
Easy Peasy…
Alana, will show YOU 22 DIY ways to repurpose YOUR wine bottles.
One last idea…
Using YOUR doilies to etch YOUR wine bottles…
Johnnie will show you how…
I hope I have given YOU some ideas to get YOUR creative juices flowing.
Remember, these ideas would make great additions to your home décor, but would also make great gifts for your friends and family…
Happy Crafting…