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How To Make Rockin' and Rollin' Rolling Pins So You Are Rolling In Dough...

acrylic paint ask questions chef gift decorative rolling pin decoupaged rolling pin gift idea jamscraftcloset kitchen kitchen decor Mod Podge one of a kind rice paper rice paper designs rolling pin unique wall art wall art

How To Decoupage Rolling Pins Using Mod Podge...

Supplies Needed:

Mod Podge  Purchase Here  

Rolling Pin - I get mine at my favorite thrift shops.

Napkins or printed Rice paper (I print my designs on Rice Paper.)

Waverly Chalk Paint (I use Snow White) - Purchase Here

Brown Paper Bag

Paint Applicator - Brush (My preference) or Sponge Brush/Stomper

Dry Iron - If you are printing on Rice Paper... You also need a piece Parchment Paper.

Clear Spray Paint - 2X from Walmart

Acrylic Paint for the handles - The color of your choice.

If using printed rice paper, do this before Step 1.

I measure my rolling pin width and length.  Set it up in my graphics program (Affinity Photo and Affinity Design) and made my design.  Once I print my design, I cover the print with parchment paper and then press it with a hot dry iron to set the print.

If you like my prints, please check out my Digital Graphic Designs. Happy Crafting!

If you like the design, but don't want to make your own, I usually have it made and for sale at JAMsCraftCloset.Com - HAPPY SHOPPING!  Judy

Step 1 Make sure your rolling pin is clean, especially if used/old.  I clean mine with alcohol and a cotton pad.  Once clean, paint your rolling pin with two coats of Waverly Snow White Chalk Paint letting it dry completely between coats.

Step 2:  Once your chalk paint is dry, I take a crumbled-up piece of a brown paper bag to rub my rolling pin to smooth out any rough patches.  I use a paper bag instead of fine sandpaper because it makes it smoother and doesn't leave any scars.

Step 3:  Now it is time to apply the Mod Podge to your rolling pin.  Through trial and error, I now cover the rolling pin (NOT the handles) completely with the Mod Podge. I use the Mod Podge Matte for this step. I found when I applied it to a section and then applied my rice paper I would get wrinkles and it would go on crooked at times.  When I covered the complete rolling pin with Mod Podge it went on smoother than the stop-and-go section method. 

Step 3:  Since your rolling pin is covered with Mod Podge let's line up our print/napkin.  When I feel my print is lined up, I gently run my finger across the top of the print and then slowly and steadily keep running my finger back and forth and down until the rolling pin is completely covered.  I then go back and continue gently rubbing to get all the air out and to ensure my print is securely in place.  Let dry completely.

Step 4: Once dry, I spray with Rustoleum X2 Clear Gloss Spray. I do two coats of spray making sure the rolling pin is completely dry before adding the second coat.

Don't laugh, but I took an old dishpan I found in the garage and cut the holding part of each side out so I could use it when spraying my rolling pins.  By doing this, I could turn the rolling pin as I sprayed and it had a place where it could dry without touching anything.

I also made these two wooden holders out of scrap wood, so I could easily apply my design.  I didn't connect them, since all rolling pins are different sizes.


Step 5:  When the Clear Gloss Spray is dry, I then apply Mod Podge Gloss.

Step 6:  My last step is to paint my handles a coordinating color and add embellishments if needed.

If the rolling pin doesn't have a hole in one handle, then it is time to add an eye screw. Now, you have completed your project!!!  Yea, YOU!!!

Here is mine...


You are ready to sell, gift, display, or hang your beautiful Rolling Pin for everyone to admire!

Happy Crafting!  Judy

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