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JAMs Creative Blogs — gift idea

How To Make Rockin' and Rollin' Rolling Pins So You Are Rolling In Dough...

acrylic paint ask questions chef gift decorative rolling pin decoupaged rolling pin gift idea jamscraftcloset kitchen kitchen decor Mod Podge one of a kind rice paper rice paper designs rolling pin unique wall art wall art

How To Decoupage Rolling Pins Using Mod Podge... Supplies Needed: Mod Podge  Purchase Here   Rolling Pin - I get mine at my favorite thrift shops. Napkins or printed Rice paper (I print my designs on Rice Paper.) Waverly Chalk Paint (I use Snow White) - Purchase Here Brown Paper Bag Paint Applicator - Brush (My preference) or Sponge Brush/Stomper Dry Iron - If you are printing on Rice Paper... You also need a piece Parchment Paper. Clear Spray Paint - 2X from Walmart Acrylic Paint for the handles - The color of your choice. If using printed rice paper, do...

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How Did She Do That 2? FAUX TILE CREATIONS - Crafters Delight -

Acorn Faux Tile acrylic paint Candy Cane Faux Tile Carrot christmas christmas tree crafters delight DIY DIY project do it yourself E6000 glue easy projects fall decor faux ceiling tile Faux Tile Creations for fun fun projects gift gift idea hand painted handmade happy shopping Holiday holiday decor home decor I love happy customers jamscraftcloset Maple Leaf Faux Tile Mittens Faux Tile Pumpkin Faux Tile Star Faux Tile Stocking Faux Tile Tree Faux Tile wall art wanting to do it right welcome to my store winter decor

Using faux ceiling tile from the Dollar Tree ($1.25 now) is such a fun and easy project for you to try.  I found it very easy, but very time consuming as you will find out as you read further.  There are many options on how to do this, but this is my way...Judy

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How Did She Do That???

acrylic paint bandsaw crafters delight Craftsman bandsaw creative blog creative projects creativity decorative painting decorative wood DIY DIY project do it yourself E6000 glue easy projects for fun fun activities fun projects gift gift idea give feedback give feedback please hand painted handmade happy shopping I love happy customers jamscraftcloset paint it yourself store news wall art wanting to do it right welcome to my store WEN bandsaw wood process

Did you ever wonder how a crafter made their wooden decorative products?  It may look simple to you, but there are many steps to the finished product.  I would like to share my process with you...Here goes...

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Do You Have A Special Christmas Tradition For Your Children or Grandchildren Each Year?

christmas Christmas decor christmas tree Christmas tree ornaments crafters delight creative projects decorative painting DIY project do it yourself easy projects gift gift idea hand painted handmade holiday decor holiday traditions home decor jamscraftcloset sublimation sublimation on ceramic tiles

Do You Have A Special Christmas Tradition For Your Children or Grandchildren Each Year? I Do... Every year I make my grandchildren personalized Christmas ornaments.  By doing this I am hoping that once I am gone and they are grown and have a tree of their own they will choose their favorite one to hang on their tree to remember me by. It started out to be one or two new ornaments each year.  Now, I have gone overboard with each new idea I find that sparks my creative side to make for them.  Let me share a few.. 1. ...

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Do You Have a Tradition for YOUR Family at the Christmas Season? I Do…

ceramic tile christmas Christmas decor christmas tree Christmas tree ornaments creative projects gift gift idea hand painted handmade happy shopping holiday decor holiday traditions home decor I love happy customers jamscraftcloset ornaments sublimation sublimation on ceramic tiles sublimation on fabric sublimation on metal

I love the Christmas season…I love the giving part of it.  My tradition is for my Grandchildren.  Every year I make them Christmas ornaments in the hopes that when they are older and have their own Christmas tree they will choose a couple favorites of my handmade ornaments to put on their tree to remember me. 

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