I love the Christmas season…I love the giving part of it. My tradition is for my Grandchildren. Every year I make them Christmas ornaments in the hopes that when they are older and have their own Christmas tree they will choose a couple favorites of my handmade ornaments to put on their tree to remember me.
I always get excited when I see an ornament that gives me that creative idea on how to make one for my Grandchildren.
Here are a few of this coming Christmas Ornaments. I think I may have gone overboard a little for this Christmas. Should you see one you like, please message me and I would LOVE to make it for you.
These are Sublimation on Ceramic Tiles ($5.00)
These are also Sublimation on Fancy Ceramic Tiles…3 by 3 Inch Ceramic Tile ($650)
More Sublimation on Ceramic Tiles…
These are Sublimation on Decals and then Mounted on Wood…2 by 2 Inches ($3.50)
These are also Sublimated on Decals then Mounted on Wood…1 ½ by 3 ¼ Inch Balsa Wood ($3.50)
More Sublimation on Decals and Mounted on Wood...3 Inch Balsa Wood ($4.00)
Fancy Ceramic Tile Sublimation
These are some of my favorites…
They are Sublimated on Metal. 2 ½ by 4 Inch Metal and 3 by 4 Inch Metal ($5.00)
Did you see anything that you might want made for your Children or Grandchildren this Christmas? If so, just let me know. I would LOVE to make them for YOU!
Judy at JAMsCraftCloset.Com
Should you not want personalized ornaments, here is a link to my handmade and vintage ornament collection… https://jamscraftcloset.com/collections/holiday-ornaments-vintage-and-handmade