I believe everyone has something they like to do in their spare time. In fact, I believe they like to do it instead of something they should be doing…grading papers, cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, lawn care…
I am one of those people that needs to be busy at all times preferably doing something that makes me happy and NOT the above mentioned items. If I am not busy, then it is nap time especially now that I have retired. I can nap anytime I want.
There are so many things that I LOVE doing that makes me happy. Being a retire teacher, I love to compile and make supplemental activities for teachers to add to their already GREAT lessons to make them even better. The English teachers at the high school I retired from just got new MY PERSPECTIVE textbooks. I had a blast compiling activities to go with each passage in the 9th and 12th grade books for the English teacher and friend that had the room right next to mine. She was a great mentor and I felt good doing something for her to show her how much I appreciated all of her help and guidance throughout my teaching career. You can find the whole textbook activities here...

I am hoping that the 10th and 11th grade English teachers there will get in contact with me to have me do the same for their textbooks.
If you know a teacher using this textbook, please share this link to find my activities. A single passage, a complete UNIT, or activities for the complete textbook can be purchased and I am always here to help if needed. I have done the same with earlier textbooks and have many fun and engaging lessons that I successfully used with my students shared in my store also. This LINK will take you to all of my teacher supplemental activities.
I also LOVE crafting. My newest craft is called sublimation. Sublimation is designing a digital graphic, then using a special sublimation ink printer to print the design on sublimation paper which is then heat pressed to an item such as ceramic tile, fabric, mug, metal, wood…This is very therapeutic for me. I get to use my creativity in making the digital designs and in determining what I am going to put the design on. Here are some of my sublimation items. Some are framed, many are on ceramic tiles, and some are mounted on wood. I started to create first on ceramic tiles, but I really enjoy sublimating on metal the best. Here are a few examples…
Sublimation on Ceramic Tiles
Fancy Tiles 4 by 12 Inch Tiles 4 by 4 or 6 by 6 Inch Tiles
Sublimation on Metal

Should you want to make your own…I also sell my digital graphic designs. You can find them HERE.
If you have an idea and would like me to create a digital design for you, just let me know. I love a challenge and being able to use my creativity.
Christmas is coming...
Start Shopping Early...
JAMsCraftCloset.Com is the PERFECT place to start buying your 'I LOVE YOU' gifts...