Do YOU Need Some Help Keeping YOUR Students Focused and Engaged These Last Few Weeks of School?

Let’s Begin…
I will be sharing 12 lesson ideas, so you will have enough to choose from to help make your End of Year more pleasant.
Are You Left or Right Brained?
This file contains an activity to see if you are right-brained or left-brained. Students will use Informational text (a magazine article) to find out.
You will find:
The Magazine Article
Answer Key
Student Answer Sheet
3 Printable Right-Brained and Left-Brained Posters
4 Videos
2 Extra Activities
The Videos and Extra Activities Are for Use After the Primary Activity…Happy Teaching!
Draw A Pig Personality Test
My students loved this analyzing activity. Just remember to give this as directions...DRAW A PIG..nothing else...answer no questions...I know they will enjoy it and may find out something special about themselves. To save on copy paper, I gave students ½ of a sheet for this activity. Happy Teaching...
Draw A Tree Critical Thinking Activity
During this activity, students will analyze their tree and the information provided in the magazine article. They will determine if their tree represents their personality and explain why or why not.
This is a Fun Friday activity or to use on a day when the school schedule is being shortened or has some sort of conflict. This activity could also be used in a Learning Center to reinforce the skill of analyzing.
My students loved this activity and were great analyzers...Happy Teaching!
Following Directions That Even An ALIEN (YOU) Would Understand
Students write directions for making a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich that an Alien (You) would understand.
As they read their directions to you, the Alien, you will follow their directions and hopefully produce peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You will need all of the fixings to do this…I told my students the list of items that would be on the table, so they could include those in their directions.
Activities Included: Pre and Post Test, Supply List, Teacher Notes, Vocabulary Activity, Extra Practice, and Photos of my students reading their directions to the Alien (Me)…Happy Teaching!
Following A Magazine Article’s Directions to Make A Paper Airplane
Day 1: Students make their paper airplane from the directions given in a magazine article.
Day 2: Students have a friendly competition to see whose airplane flies the furthest.
Day 3: (OPTIONAL) Some extra practice Origami Activities are included...A Jumping Frog and A Pelican
Happy Teaching!
Coca-Cola Commercial Cause and Effect Practice Activity
I used this lesson for one of my administrative evaluations. This was also the FIRST time in our school that my students were allowed to use their electronic devices...cell phones, iPads, tablets, etc. I had to get special permission due to our school rule of no personal electronic devices allowed during the school day. This made the activity even more special.
I allowed the students to work with a buddy, a group of 4, or individually. The objective was to get the most CAUSE and EFFECT relationships from the video as possible. There was a small prize for each class to the one with the most CAUSE and EFFECT relationships.
This was an amazing reinforcement activity for CAUSE and EFFECT. It was a successful lesson for my evaluation and a fun and successful activity for my students.
NOTE: The Link to the Video is in the PowerPoint Presentation
Happy Teaching!
Figurative Language Colorform
What a fun learning activity this is...It is one of my favorite group (4) activities to complete after teaching Figurative Language. I did groups, so I wouldn't need more than 6 baggies of the 6 colors (blue, red, green, purple, orange, and yellow) of crayons or colored pencils. This activity can also be an individual activity, buddy activity or made into a learning center.
Included is a Figurative Language Definition sheet, which I put on the projection screen. I also printed a few for those that needed it right beside them. The definitions help to reinforce what was taught.
I gave the students a little hint on how to get the activity perfect, which you will find in the download...then let them go at it.
The color-coded answer key makes it really easy for you to grade…Happy Teaching!
Teenage Vaping and E-Cigarettes
You will find 4 Articles:
Schools Scramble to Deal With Student Vaping
Vaping Sent Teenager to Rehab
Boy 14 Blinded When E-Cigarette Exploded
Texas Man Dies from Exploding E-Cigarette
Each Article Has A Vocabulary List, Comprehension Questions, Crossword, Wordsearch, and a Double Puzzle
You will also find:
7 Videos, 8 Printable Posters, 1 PowerPoint with Speaker Notes, and a Couple of Extra Things…Happy Teaching!
Human Trafficking
This file contains 12 Activities, 24 Lesson Plans With More Activities, 2 PowerPoints and 23 Videos with Activities.
The videos are on a website, so you will need a digital projector and screen to show the videos to your students. Each video also has activities to go with them. I have included the Educator's Guide for you that includes the activities.
You can Pick and Choose YOUR Activities to make YOUR BEST lesson ever…Happy Teaching!
Creepy Stories that Teenagers Will Love
This file contains 36 Creepy Stories that Teenagers Will Love
Comprehension and Vocabulary Questions for Each Story
My students LOVED them and they are great for a Learning Center, Substitute Activity, What to Do When I Am Done Activity, etc.
Happy Teaching!
Compelling News Stories for Teens
These news stories will surely catch your students' attention...
Some of the titles are:
35 Pounds of Vomit Found in Parking Lot
1500 People Attend Girls Birthday Party
Dad Sleeps While 8-Year-Old Drives
Ferret Chews Off Baby's Fingers
Italian Man Shot in Head Sneezes Out Bullet
These news stories with Comprehension Questions could be used in a center, for extra credit, as a buddy activity, etc.
Happy Teaching!
Informational News Articles
This packet contains 13 Informational NEWS Articles with Comprehension Questions.
Some of the NEWS Articles are:
Town's Saggy Pants Ban May Soon Include Women
Woman Arrested For Kissing Cop On The Nose 'Against His Will'
'Be My Girlfriend' Note Didn't Exactly End the Way This Kid Hoped
James Blankenship, 22-Year-Old Man, Thought He Could Only Be Charged For A Nighttime Break-In
North Dakota woman plans to give obese kids letters on Halloween
Especially teens found these news articles very engaging, surprising, and funny.