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JAMs Creative Blogs — jamscraftcloset

What Do YOU Do In Your Spare Time That Makes You Happy?

ceramic tile crafters delight creativity digital downloads digital graphics for fun graphic designs handmade JAMsCraftCloset sublimation sublimation on ceramic tiles sublimation on fabric sublimation on metal supplemental activities teacher downloads teacher resources wall art

JAMsCraftCloset.Com is the PERFECT place to purchase all your Christmas/Holiday gift needs...One stop shopping for:  Vintage, Handmade, Teacher Resources, Digital Design Graphics and so much more...Come take a LOOK SEE...You won't be disappointed...

PS:  You will find many FREE items along the way...

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Hey…What Are YOU Doing With Those Crates Lying Around Over There?

ask questions contact me creative projects DIY DIY project do it yourself easy projects fun activities fun projects give feedback give feedback please home decor jamscraftcloset table legs welcome to my Shopify store welcome to my store

Hey…What Are YOU Doing With Those Crates Lying Around Over There? Just in case you do not have a bunch of crates lying around and find something in my Blog that you can’t live without you can always visit Michael’s Arts and Crafts, JoAnn Fabric, or Hobby Lobby to purchase a few… As I was surfing the web I found several great ideas on using YOUR crates, so let’s get started… Here is a before and after picture of stacking YOUR crates to make a storage unit.  Just stack, screw/glue them together then paint and/or stain…simple, but very attractive.  ...

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Do They Still Ask If YOU Want Paper or Plastic?

ask questions creative projects DIY DIY paper bags DIY project do it yourself easy projects fun projects give feedback please happy shopping home decor I love happy customers jamscraftcloset paper bag ideas paper bags repurposed paper bags upcycled paper bags welcome to my Shopify store

Do They Still Ask If YOU Want Paper or Plastic? Do YOU Choose Brown Paper Bags? What Do You Do With Them? Here are some creative ideas… Brown Paper Bag Floor Covering See the instructions at HomeTalk How about an Easter Basket made from a paper bag? Here is the tutorial from Lia Griffith… Country Living gives you 3 ways to repurpose paper bags.  The hanging lamp above is one of them. On a Tight Budget and Need Party Favors??? Spit That Out shows you how… Out of Gift Wrap??? Let Mr. Kate Help You Out… OR Learn How to...

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Changing A Lampshade Can Change the Whole Look of a Room

DIY DIY lampshades DIY project do it yourself easy projects fun projects handmade lampshades home decor jamscraftcloset lampshades rag lampshades

Changing A Lampshade Can Change the Whole Look of a Room   Do YOU have a lampshade that could use a makeover? Try adding doilies… These 4 lampshades can be found at Dishfunctional Designs By Laura Laura has many more ideas on doily lampshades for YOU to admire and to give you some creative ideas for YOUR own lampshade…   This is an easy way to update a lampshade. This is called Decoupage. Karen shows YOU how easy this is on her blog at Mother Earth News Here is one that I decoupaged.  YOU can find it here… After Decoupaging...

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Where Are My Wine Buddies?

creative projects DIY DIY project DIY wine bottles easy projects fun projects give feedback give feedback please happy shopping I love happy customers jamscraftcloset vintage welcome to my Shopify store wine bottles

Where Are My Wine Buddies? Do YOU have a stash of empty wine bottles lying around? If so, YOU are going to LOVE this Blog full of ideas on what to do with them… Paint them YOUR favorite color and decorate them.  Use them to hold candles or just as they are…      LOVE these…Yarn covered bottles (or paint) then decorated with the letters for LOVE…   More ways to decorate YOUR bottles… Suzanne At SprinkledNest.Com Shows YOU how easy these bottles are to make…   Do you paint?  If so, then paint a garden of flowers on them…...

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