DIY Painting Instructions for the Piecemakers Welcome and Welcome Wall Hanging – Reversible – Just Flip!
From This
To This…

Otherwise, saddle up…I am going to take YOU on a painting ride…
Graphite Paper, Sandpaper, Gesso (Sealer), Tack Cloth, Mod Podge Varnish either Gloss or Matte, and a Ball Point Pen or Stylus
- Blue (Folk Art Blue Lullaby)
- Dark Blue (Delta Midnight)
- White
- Black
- Green (I love Thicket Green or Gamel Green)
- Red
- Maroon
Technical Pen (See Below): Fine Point Black
- Wood Cutouts
- Ribbon
- Eye Screw
- Toothpicks
- Plastic Hearts
- Pattern
- Painting Directions
- Once you have received your painting packet, the first thing you are going to do is SAND your wood cutouts. You want your edges to be really smooth to touch.
You can sand your wood cutout with an electric palm sander or with just some sandpaper that you probably have lying around. I LOVE my Makita palm sander with the attached dust bag. It just makes the sanding job easier and quicker.
- Once the wood cutouts are sanded smooth. Use a TACK CLOTH to get all of the dust off of your wood pieces.
- Now it is time to seal our wood cutouts. When I am going to paint something, I like to seal my wood with GESSO. It is a think white sealer that you just brush on and let dry completely.
YOU will seal your SIGN with Gesso
- Once your GESSO is completely dry SAND, then use the TACK CLOTH again to get all of the white dust particles off. Let DRY. YOUR wood cutouts should feel smooth to the touch. If not, sand some more, then TACK again.
- Now, we need to get ready to PAINT our base coats. Paint the BOW BLUE and HEART RED – Two coats front and back. Let DRY completely between coats and before tracing your pattern.
5 A. Place your GRAPHITE PAPER on top of your wood cutout and with a STYLUS or ball point pen, trace you’re the pattern - Just trace the main lines - That is all you need to trace at this time.
- Once you have 2 coats of red and blue on your wood cutout, it is time to shade our wood cutout. Use a larger flat brush. Dip the brush in water and rake off excess. Dip ONE side of the brush in the MAROON color. Run the brush back and forth on wax paper to spread out the paint on the brush. Do the same with WHITE paint on the other side of the heart. Using long strokes go around your heart. Do the same thing with DARK blue around the RIBBON. Let dry…
I hope yours looks similar to this.
Now, you can trace your PIECEMAKERS WELCOME on one side and just WELCOME on the other. You can paint your lettering or use a WHITE paint pen. Add your dots using WHITE paint and a toothpick or your stylus on the wording.
It is time to use your technical pen for the line work on the bow and heart. Once the line work is done on both sides, you can paint your GREEN leaves at the bottom of the heart.
- You can now add your BLACK Dip Dots as you look at your pattern.
- Let your wood cutouts dry overnight. We will be putting a couple coats of water-based varnish on them. We need to make sure the ink has time to dry or when we put on the varnish the ink will smear. Be patient and let it dry for at least 12 hours before adding the varnish. After your varnish is dry, you may glue on your two white hearts.
- We are ready to attach our eye screws. HINT: I take a skinny nail and start the hole for my eye screw. Now that the eye screw is attached, attach your ribbon. You just completed the FINAL step!
YOUR Welcome Sign is now ready to hang or give as a gift!!!
YOU did it!!!
G-O YOU!!!